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Presidential Pulp - Out!
Live accoustic- Audreys
Sci Fi Western Antho
Print Catalog- Corona
Voice Over Trailer
Horror Film
Scripting Nerd Stuff
New Comic




The Illustrator
View, digital and traditional galleries, comics, design work, and a working portfolio, and WIPs.


The Writer
A complete resource of published work, free fiction and non-fiction e-books, samples of published novels, and much more.
The Actor
A complete resource for my past productions, present projects and future involvements in film, TV, and web projects.


The Musician
This hub gives you access to a some of the music I've written in the past, and it is updated constantly, with new recordings of my solo projects.

The Developer
Inside you will find open source programs, Websites, and other things I've built and developed.

His Resources
The greatest hits of the website. Its a collection of galleries, blogs, informative links, and other such things not listed on the hubs..

All information and content including code, software, images, video, and music are owned and protected by Robbie Lizhini and Phact0rri Studios unless otherwise indicated.
Much of the content is protected under fair use laws, including Creative Commons, Open Headset Allience, and GNU please contact Robbie for any questions regarding fair use.
Designed by Phact0rri Studios , 2012